First Attempt at Shooting Stars

June 02, 2014  •  2 Comments

stars, night, silhouetteDSC_4636This is my first attempt at photographing the stars. Over the weekend we have had some very nice and clear skies in Northeast Ohio. Perfect skies for some night and star photography. This is the first time that I have ever tried to shoot the night skies and I am pleased with the results that I was able to obtain.

With this type of photography the equipment and camera settings are very important to be able to see any results. I have been watching many tutorials on YouTube and reading many articles to understand everything that you need to be able to see results. Some things that you will need is a camera that can use long shutter speeds, has higher ISO capabilities, a tripod, cable release and time. For the image above I was able to use a DSLR set at ISO 400, an aperture at f/2.8, and my shutter speed at 15 seconds.

A tripod and cable release are essential to photographing with longer shutter speeds because the slightest vibration to your camera while exposing for seconds or even minute long exposures can ruin a shot. If you do not have a cable release than you can use the cameras self timer so that you can activate the cameras shutter hands free.

As this was my first attempt at photographing the stars please comment and tell me how you think that I did. Also let me know your experience with shooting at night, either the sky or in the city.


Shaun Eastin Photography
Thanks Sue, I appreciate the compliment...
Sue Hinton(non-registered)
Very nice!
No comments posted.

IMG_2871IMG_2871 I am a family portrait and real estate photographer based out of Akron and Canton Ohio. I love what I do and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences to those who care. Throughout this blog you can read all about my photographic adventures whether its from a current body of work or vacations with my family. 





Visit Shaun Eastin Photography's profile on Pinterest.

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