Night Photography at Goodyear Heights Metro Park

September 18, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

DSC_6795DSC_6795Waiting for the sun to go down I captured this beautiful cloud formation.

Shooting at night can be a very peaceful experience but it can also play with your mind quite a bit. Especially when you shooting with $3000 worth of gear in the dark in Akron Ohio. It seems like every little noise kept me on edge as I waited for the stars to come out but the outcome and experience was worth the risk. 

DSC_6835The Calm

My main goal was to photograph the stars over the pond at Goodyear Heights Metro Park. To achieve my goal I had to wait for the sun to go completely down and for darkness to take over the skies. In some of my images you will see light pollution that comes from the Akron city lights. 




DSC_6826DSC_6826I used my Nikon SB700 speedlight to illuminate the bench to help create a story within the image.

Painting With Light

This is the first time that I have ever experimented lighting an object while photographing a night scene. A lot of photographers will first photograph the landscape how they want it to look then take a separate image of the object that they are lighting and merge the two images in photoshop. I didn't want to do that much since I was using a 13 second exposure, I had time to use a Nikon SB700 speed light that I had brought with me just in case to flash the bench. The theme to this image is to give the idea of sitting at the bench and stargazing.  Because of the long exposure you can see the movement in the clouds as the blow across the sky.



DSC_6829DSC_6829Which constellation do you see?

Captured a Constellation

You will be able to see the light pollution from the city in this image because I was pointing towards the city while shooting. If you look closely at this image you will be able to see the Big Dipper. In a way it looks like the Big Dipper is angled towards the pond and pouring its contents into the pond filling it up. Kind of cool to think about. I really enjoy photographing at night and seeing what kind of images I can come up with.

Have you ever been out at night to photograph the stars or cities? Leave a comment and let me know about your experiences and how you think I did on my adventure.




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IMG_2871IMG_2871 I am a family portrait and real estate photographer based out of Akron and Canton Ohio. I love what I do and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences to those who care. Throughout this blog you can read all about my photographic adventures whether its from a current body of work or vacations with my family. 





Visit Shaun Eastin Photography's profile on Pinterest.

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